Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The white harmless fluffiness cunningly deceiving those who gaze upon it. Seemingly as peaceful and clean as a cloud in the blue sky.....eyes that cause even the most burliest of individuals to speaking in the gentlest of voice. Ears flopped down, limp like an animal's prey being carried around in it's mouth almost as lifeless. Waking up at the crack of dawn smelling the dew in the mid-winter air, pink rose like nose twitching as it picks up the sweet aroma, kinder to the senses than any scent. whiskers long enough to see yet not notice. Paws softer than the sweet whisper of an "I love you" into a lonely ear , footsteps quiet as a deadly silence. Labelled in a positive way as to which the least is expected, the cutest of actions and most innocent of intentions. In the mind there is a mentality of morbidness and negativity calling out. A corrupt subconscious suggesting the most evil of demands. Slowly a need for sin is growing, a dark reality is setting in. A mental state of psychosis and insanity driving the mind into a darkness within it's self. Voices ringing repetitively, consecutively and in succession...increasingly getting louder and convincing . A diabolical cerebral bomb going off creating a sadistic conclusion.