Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Un-calculated Risk Of Not Caring

The Un-calculated Risk Of Not Caring

Many of the events in the story "The Lottery" relate to the certain significant events in the history of mankind. The stoning of Mrs.Hutchinson is much like the St.Louis back in world war two that got turned down by the U.S , the ship was carrying thousands of Jews all trying to escape the Holocaust. No one tried to save Mrs. Hutchinson much like how no one made an effort to save the St.Louis' passengers. The Second world war could have been prevented and millions of lives saved if only humanity cared sooner. Mankind is sad enough that it does not learn from the mistakes of the past, in the 1990's there was the Rwandan genocide, not just internationally people did not care but also in civil situations. Now humanity has learned to care but not enough, efforts are made but aren't given 100%. Even today indifference exists, in places like Darfur.

Elie Wiesel's speech pertains to "The Lottery" in a way which he warns human beings to care yet no one seems to, much like how in "the lottery" subtle warnings are given yet no one heeds them. People that seem "normal" and just plain ordinary incapable of horrific acts deep down tend to be blood thirsty and heartless when it comes to survival of one's self then that dark malicious evil side of the human psyche comes out.

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