Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Job? Job? Jobs?!

Jobs are one thing in your life that you will constantly do even after school till maybe even death depending on whether or not you retire. So if your gonna do something for that long might as well enjoy what your doing right? Other wise you will always just be miserable all the time. My Mother is a nurse at the hospital and gets pretty good pay on top of that she loves her job, shes been doing it for about two decades now. That was what she wanted to do and she took the necessary steps to accomplish her goal, didn't matter how hard she worked or how long it took her. She did it and now she makes a great living doing what she loves and nothing can be better than that.

What do I want to be? I'm still not sure but at the moment I see my self possibly being a LPN (Licenced Practical Nurse) and a Bartender. I'd really love to do something athletic for a living like a professional athlete, my sport is soccer so it would have amazing pay not only that I cant get enough of it. How ever the future turns out for me career wise im sure it will turn out good.
Aslong as I dont give up and go after what I want relentlessly, no matter how hard...or how long it takes to get it.

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