Monday, January 18, 2010

Review: Turok

Turok is a thrilling first person shooter that makes the fantasy of roaming in a dinosaur populated land come alive. Killing soldiers to Raptors to Tyrannosauruses Rex's the fun never ends. With a variety of instruments to utilize in order to dispose of your enemies adds to the game's fun. Killing dinosaurs with the knife is one of the coolest parts of the game, stabbing Raptors in the head and slicing throats is one of the most unique aspects. The storyline on the other hand is some what lacking to a certain degree but remains strong throughout majority of the game. Turok is a soldier of Native-American Heritage who once was apart of an elite group of ex-soldiers who were trained to be killing machines, this group is known as Wolf-PAC. Turok embarks on a journey of vengeance with plenty of blood shed on the way.The online play was very well done, interaction with other players is just as good as story mode in the sense of killing. Although the game has nothing left once story mode is completed besides online play and not being able to go back and choose what level you want to play takes away from the game and leaves much to be desired. The graphics and sound effects used are outstanding in the sense of realism and tremendously add to the Turok experience.
Controls are a bit awkward at first for those who are not accustomed to first person shooters but for those who are, picking it up shouldn't be a problem at all. So in concolusion Turok is definatley a good buy that will keep you on the edge of your seat and for the most part stays enjoyable and will provide a positive gaming experience. Highly Recommeneded.

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